When considering the top figures who was significant in the watchmaking world, René LeCoultre should be mentioned. LeCoultre’s family founded eponymous Swiss Maison. At a time, René LeCoultre was ne-time Director of Research and Development at Rolex, and he was also a member of the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry.

The major part in René career was the the founding of the Electronic Watch Centre in 1962 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. The Centre he founded had a primary role in the development of a reliable and manufacturable analog quartz watch. After 4 years they finally realized a beta nicknamed watch Beta-1, the codename for the first prototype quartz wristwatch ever produced. After Beta-2 and Beta-21 that is when history began its making.

In 1984, René also played a role in the founding of the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology also in Neuchâtel. René LeCoultre passed away this past Saturday, just three weeks after celebrating his 100th birthday.